Water Softener Facts You Need To Know

Especially when you're dealing with well water, the natural presence of minerals in that water can be challenging within your home. Everything from residue accumulation on your fixtures and pipes to dry skin and even poorly-cleaned dishes can plague you when your water's mineral content is too dense, a condition typically called hard water. If you want to protect the lifespan of your fixtures, appliances, clothes, and more, you may want to consider a water softener. Unfortunately, you may have heard some common water softener myths. Here's a look at the truth that you need to know.

Water Softeners Don't Cause Salty Water  

One of the biggest reservations that people have about water softeners is their concern that the softener will make their home's water salty. After all, water softeners rely on salt as part of their functional process. When your water softener cycles, it uses salt to flush out the mineral ions. Those ions are replaced with sodium ions as the water passes through the resin beads of the softener. As a result, a small amount of sodium is, in fact, introduced into your water. The amount of sodium will directly relate to the level of hardness in your water, but in any case, it is negligible and essentially undetectable. You won't have salty water from installing a water softener.

Water Softeners Don't Strip Beneficial Minerals

Some people hesitate to install a water softener because they are afraid that the softener will strip out the beneficial minerals as well as the problematic ones. They worry that this could have a negative impact on their health. The fact is that water softeners actually remove minerals that are indigestible by your body because of the form they're present in. As a result, your body wouldn't get the benefit of those minerals anyway, and they'll do nothing more than damage your appliances and fixtures, cause premature wear on your clothes, and dry out your skin. 

Water Softeners Aren't Prohibitively Expensive To Run

The idea of another electric-demanding appliance in your home may have you hesitating. You might be worried that the regeneration cycles are going to cause a drastic increase in electricity usage. You'll find that most water softeners actually use very little electricity because the modern models only regenerate when it's absolutely necessary, so they don't demand much in the way of electrical power.

These are some of the many facts that people don't realize about water softeners. Consult with a local water softening contractor today for more help and information.
