Should You Have A Home's Septic Tank Inspected Before Purchase?

If you've recently gone under contract on a new home, you may be anxiously awaiting your inspection report to ensure you're not inheriting any major structural or safety issues. However, one area that can often go unnoticed during this process is a home's septic tank--and because a septic tank breach or backup can cost you a significant amount of money and untold inconvenience, it's good to keep abreast of any potential problems before they turn into actual ones. Read on to learn more about some of the benefits of having your septic tank inspected prior to your home purchase, as well as who should cover any pending repair or replacement costs:

Why should you seek a pre-purchase septic tank inspection?

During a septic tank inspection, the inspector may snake a thin camera down a drain in your home and into the septic tank. This camera will allow the inspector to ensure your pipes are in good working order while also getting a full view of the septic tank's interior and any potential issues. Problems like cracks, clogs, and high sewage levels can all be detected through the camera inspection, necessitating further investigation or a septic tank pumping.

Seeking this type of inspection prior to purchasing your home will ensure you don't inherit any hidden septic problems that could rear their ugly heads at a later date. You'll also have firm knowledge of the last time your tank was inspected or pumped, which can come in handy when you're calculating the frequency with which your tank needs to be pumped (based on your home's number of bathrooms, the size of the tank, and the number of people using your home's plumbing). In the hustle and bustle of moving and setting up your new household, the idea of inspecting your septic tank may fall by the wayside until problems begin to develop.

Who will pay for septic problems uncovered pursuant to this inspection?

The answer to this question will largely depend upon the terms of your real estate contract and where you are in the process. If you haven't yet signed the purchase agreement at closing, you may be able to negotiate that repairs be performed (and covered) by the seller; on the other hand, this could result in the loss of your earnest money if the seller adamantly refuses. Offering to split the costs or reduce the purchase price (thereby lowering the seller's taxable gain) may be a more palatable option.

Contact a company like Clogbusters for more information and assistance. 
